Pop Art,

First collaboration 

Meet the first collaboration artist MinYoung Kim. 
Based on the philosophy that the purpose of life is not to be loved by someone else but to become oneself, she depicts herself living in the world.
The paintings drawn through her alter ego, Min.0, are not just her own stories but stories that we all have experienced or will experience.
Pop Art,
First collaboration
Meet the first collaboration artist MinYoung Kim. 
Based on the philosophy that the purpose of life is not to be loved by someone else but to become oneself, she depicts herself living in the world.
The paintings drawn through her alter ego, Min.0, are not just her own stories but stories that we all have experienced or will experience.

상호 : AME EX MACHINA| 대표이사 : 천민철 

소재지 : 대한민국 부산광역시 해운대구 우동 센텀1로 9 

사업자등록번호 : 896-81-00754|전화 : 051-7111-8282 

COPYRIGHT (C) AMIE EX MACHINA. All Rights reserved