Limited edition

 every season

When new products are released, the previous season's items are discontinued.
Each season's released items are unique limited edition products
sold only during that season.

New art work

for fashion

We collaborate with a new artist each season to release our products.
You can discover the artworks of emerging artists every season.
Experience the works of new artists alongside fashion.

Best quality for

prestige brand

To maintain the highest quality, we manufacture 100% in Italy.
We provide the highest quality handbags produced by 
F.T.F worldwide SRL with Italian craftsmanship.
Limited edition
 every season
When new products are released, the previous season's items are discontinued. Each season's released items are unique limited edition products sold only during that season.
New art work
for fashion
We collaborate with a new artist each season to release our products.
You can discover the artworks of emerging artists every season.
Experience the works of new artists alongside fashion.
Best quality for
prestige brand
To maintain the highest quality, we manufacture 100% in Italy.
We provide the highest quality handbags produced by 
F.T.F worldwide SRL with Italian craftsmanship.
import rights

Amie ex Machina deals with one distributor per country for headquarters brand management. 

Rather than selling products through short-term deals, we seek to form long-term relationships with distributors.

Seize the opportunity to create exclusive benefits through exclusive import rights.


상호 : AME EX MACHINA| 대표이사 : 천민철 

소재지 : 대한민국 부산광역시 해운대구 우동 센텀1로 9 

사업자등록번호 : 896-81-00754|전화 : 051-7111-8282 

COPYRIGHT (C) AMIE EX MACHINA. All Rights reserved